Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Starting today.

The pup:  Picked up a puppy last night to socialize. He's cute and looks like others I have cared for before, his face and mellow personality. We love him as if he was to be our own. We'll pretend that he is our baby and shower him with love and toys until my friend asks for him back. A good thing I feel unconditionally loved.

My sons: If only they acted like the puppy. The huge smile and wagging tail each and every time he sees me. It's as if he is saying " Were have you been mama? I miss you and love you so much." Even if I just left the kitchen for a few minutes.

My knitting: Working on a turquoise sweater for myself, and not getting distracted with other projects. Monogamy, it's a good thing.

Work: Sometimes people who call annoy me. Either they speak way too fast or much too slow and neither is at the pace at which I can type the information into the computer and it can slowly give me their answer. Some will rattle off their difficult to spell names and the name and author of several books before I can even get the computer to log into the library catalog. Then I feel like an idiot as I need to re-ask for information. My typing skills are a mid to low level hunt and peck and that slows me down as I correct my mistakes.  I often wonder why I cheerily announce my name as I answer the phone, because, now they know the new girls name and quickly find out if she is competent or not.  Mostly I'm capable, but let's face it, I love books and learning but I was a science major in college.

My life:  I have another court date this week. It's our 5th year of legal issues over them and now only him. Today I felt drained and hopeless, and the victim.  I'm just afraid and I don't trust the judicial system. I cried and made almond macaroons with chocolate chips to cheer myself up.  They were tasty.

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